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Monday, September 20, 2010

temporary thinking of an idiot

we seem to live for the temporary, we live like we think we are immortal , that death is for the other guy and wont hit me. we concentrate on how we can get our  immeadiate needs or what we think are needs, and when they are achieved we always feel like they arent enough.  you plan and  wait for that trip that is going to be the greatest event of your life, the vacation youve always dreamed, but what you cant see is the day it comes is a day closer for it to be over. and when its over all there is are memories. which are usually way different then the reality.  what we need is a good fantasy to hide in. It makes us forget the unsatisfying things of reality. maybe if we had a little more then things would be good, just a little more,  when the more comes its always followed by a quest for even more, kinda like a dog chasing its tail.  so we drown out the reality with drugs and alcohol, it keeps our minds clouded, and this sickness that follows  makes us forget that without God we are living in desperation.


  1. Memories of good times are treasures, if you can hold them while still moving forward. Finding happiness in experiences rather than striving for material posessions is smart and healthy.

    I know that wasn't your point, but I don't think theres anything wrong with looking forward to experiences!

  2. yes especially if your 21 the hope is there will be something to look forward too. but it seems to me the american dream has been destroyed by the greedy, turning all including their dreams into nightmares
