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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

ask an idiot

I'm old experienced at all kinds of failure, willing to answer all questions on anything.


  1. why are only half the people below average in intelligence. i see so many stupid people, am I hanging with wrong crowd?

  2. Why isn't my first comment showing up?

  3. Finally, a place where an idiot will answer my idiotic questions!

  4. ok chuckL123 I think you need to realize that the people you call stupid are looking back at you thinking your stupid. now who is right, stupidity is in the mind of the beholder. one man might say it is stupid to waste all your time chasing after riches, while another might say its stupid to sit around doing nothing, either case both men end up the same, dead. weither it be sooner or later they both end up the same place. I look at the wisest man ever created, according to the bible. soloman. here he was the wisest yet an idiot at the same time. He didnt listen, he did what he wanted and ended up miserable. and oh yes he's dead now, he wont answer any jepordy questions.

  5. and lenny yes you have found and idiot who is willing to be transparent, and share his idiocy, where as most people are thinking they are something when they are nothing. and not one of them can do anything about a cold.

  6. and why do I always ad a d when I'm writing an it comes out and which I mean to be an is there something lower then and idiot.

  7. I really got mad tonight at small group, we were talking about people who need recovery, recovery is for people who want it not need it. you cant just go up front at some church get prayed for and be recovered. It seems that God requires some things of us. like surrender to Him. confessing our mistakes and righting them. wanting to be more like him. and helping others get sober. it would be great it God would just zap a person clean and sober. and we could continue living like we want. I tried that but it didnt work. maybe that will work for you, it hasnt for anyone I've known so far. maybe you should ask yourself one question. why cant I follow directions from others who have recovered.

  8. Sid, do you have an editor available to you? I highly suggest you have them just glance at your writings, so when we read them, we have a chance at understanding. You are a wise idiot, one of the wisest I know.

  9. jackie editer smediter, My post requires deciphering which causes the brain to exercise itself. I'm helping people with my bad spelling and puncuation.

  10. I wish I could make my heart obey my head, my head knows right and wrong, but my heart just loves whom it will. I keep thinking about that song by lady antabellem. the line that says I'd rather hurt then feel nothing at all. I guess I have to agree, there is no greater pain then feeling nothing at all, I wonder why us humans use so many chemicals to get ourselves to feel nothing at all.

  11. i understand what you are saying, you don't need an editor maybe spell check if that is a vailable

    What is your take on the cultural center (not a mosque0 not new (a replacement) and also burning the koran is that different from burning any book Do you think god talks to people like the minister Terry Jones

  12. chuck I just wrote a lengthy emotional answer to your question but when I went to post it I found that the computer I had was under jackies email account. and I lost the whole post. I will say that I believe that God made all people and He likes them. so anyone who destroys both physically or emotionaly one of His creations,is rejecting His handywork. so no matter what religion you are and you harm others because they dont believe like you you are all dorks

  13. The world stays the same no matter what I think. how then can I change the world

  14. change yourself chuck become what you would want to world to be loving giving merciful, thinking of others more then oneself. bring joy instead of sorrow, encourageing instead of discourageing. these are things I would like the world to change to so if I change and you change then two people in this world has changed, and the world has changed. or maybe you can take the world to the bank and get change for it from the teller that too is a way to change the world

  15. Wow I really appreciate your wisdom. i really liked your answer. what if others would do the same. We could end up making the world a better place. thanks!!
